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Design Inspiration and Ideas
A Nineteenth-Century Vision of the Year 2000
In 1899, a group of French illustrators led by Jean-Marc Côté was tasked with imagining what France would look like in the year 2000. Their ideas weren’t always on the money, but many have been realized, albeit not precisely according to the original drawings. These futuristic pictures were released in four installments in 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1910 and took the form of cigarette/cigar box inserts and, later, postcards.
Images below are shared to fuel your imagination. In 1899, People imagined what we could do in 2000. Can you share what we may do differently in 2050 using your imagination and artwork?
At School
Moving using Rollers
Speaking Remotely
Video Telephone
An Explorer
An Aerial Battle