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Award Ceremony 2022
Learn all about hundreds of awards won by students across the globe for the Canadian Summer Contest. You can also learn more about our students who have done exceptionally well in many other world olympiads.
Teachers play a significant role in mentoring students. Our goal is to promote a culture where students feel empowered to acknowledge and appreciate their teachers. Considering this, we are introducing the Outstanding STEM Teacher Award, where contest finalists can nominate their teachers. This year we received 33 nominations from 8 countries. Thank you, teachers, for your outstanding role in shaping children's future. Congratulation on the recognition by the students!
🏆 Outstanding Student Award
🏅Grade 1 Math Contest Winners
🏅Grade 2 Math Contest Winners
🏅Grade 3 Math Contest Winners
🏅Grade 4 Math Contest Winners
🏅Grade 5 Math Contest Winners
🏅Grade 6 Math Contest Winners
🏅Grade 7 Math Contest Winners
🏅Grade 8 Math Contest Winners
🏅High School Math Contest Winners
CCSC 2022 Winners
🏅Grade 3/4 CCSC Contest Winners
🏅Grade 5/6 CCSC Contest Winners
🏅Grade 7/8 CCSC Contest Winners
🏅High school CCSC Contest Winners
CDSC 2022 Winners
🏅Grade 5/6 CDSC Contest WINNERS
🏅Grade 7/8 CDSC Contest WINNERS
🏅High School CDSC Contest WINNERS
Thank You for Generosity
CKSTEM would like to thank Y Media for providing full coverage on Radio Y - FM 91.9, Newspaper - Midweek, and TV – Y Channel for the Canadian Summer Contests. Y Media is going above and beyond the call of duty to help kids and families in our society.
Y Media Group is the largest Media house catering to South Asian Community in Canada. Today, with a recognized presence over Television, Radio, Print, Internet and Community events & shows, Y Media has a robust multimedia platform that allows the communities in Canada to be expressive, communicative and interactive. The platform allows for sharing of news & events, just as these happened, from around the world.
DNL Core Design is our most committed partner. They constantly go above and beyond the call of duty to provide us with exceptional designs.
DNL is a strategic brand design studio that helps brands who want to make an impact, have an impact.
Brilliant is giving free premium membership for all middle and high school winners of CMSC & CCSC. They also offer a 50% discount to the CKSTEM Community if you sign up before October 1st. CKSTEM highly recommends using Brilliant courses to succeed in STEM.
You can join 10+ million people excelling in math and science through amazing, Brilliant courses. For lifelong learners of any age, Brilliant replaces lecture videos with hands-on, interactive problem-solving. It’s a better (and more fun) way to learn.
mobileLive is our sponsor second year in a row. CKSTEM appreciates their commitment to helping kids in our community.
mobileLive is a full-service digital team obsessed with helping customers to make smart investments and reduce time-to-launch. Its experts specialize in designing experiences, building products, and scaling technology with flexible engagement models, outside-in views, bespoke solutions, and a succession of early wins while never losing sight of the big picture.
Canadian Mathematics Society
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) was originally conceived in June 1945. The CMS’ vision for the future is to reach out to and form new partnerships with the users of mathematics in business, governments and universities, educators in the school and college systems as, well as other mathematical associations; and, in doing so, share experiences, work on collaborative projects and generally enhance the perception and strengthen the profile of mathematics in Canada.
The goal of the Canadian Mathematical Society is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics.
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